Senior Ministry is a support ministry for senior members of our congregation, offering friendship, support, and companionship.
Volunteers visit seniors and provide transportation to and from medical appointments, church services and programs. Senior Ministry also supports the “Helping Hands” program. A ministry where volunteers offer a helping hand to seniors for small jobs around their house, from changing light bulbs, to trimming tree limbs, to fixing dipping faucets.
Creative Arts Corner
Want to try a new hobby - knitting, crocheting, jewelry making or maybe painting?   Second and fourth Friday from 10:00 a.m. - noon, a group of hobbyists meet in Prichard Hall for a quiet, creative morning. A participant recently thanked Senior Ministry for providing her "with such a creative, relaxing and fun fellowship Friday". Come join us for a time away from phones, doorbells and computers! 
Chair Yoga
Each Thursday morning, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., certified yoga instructor leads a "chair yoga" class in Prichard Hall. The class consists of exercises for stretching and flexibility done while seated or standing next to a chair as capability allows. Those attending can advance at their own pace. There is no fee and those participating are asked to wear loose fitting clothing.
Brown Bag Bookies
The Brown Bag Bookies group meets the third Wednesday of each month at noon in the church conference room for lunch and a discussion of selected books. Bring a sandwich and join us for a stimulating discussion. Most of the books are available in paperback or in the public library. You need not read the book to attend and visitors are always welcome!