A central part of all our programming at BTPC is to assure parents that their youth are safe and well cared for by our staff and volunteers. Also, we desire and delight in the opportunity to share the love of Jesus with your youth.
Our staff and volunteers have been thoroughly screened. We are blessed and thank you for entrusting us with the care of your youth.
Youth Ministries at Bentwood Trail seeks to provide middle and high school students (grades 6-12) with a welcoming, safe and encouraging environment, which promotes faith discovery, spiritual growth, dedication to Jesus Christ, and full engagement in the corporate life of Bentwood Trail Presbyterian Church.
All youth are encouraged to participate in the broader life of the church through full participation in worship; mission trips & service opportunities; development of community initiatives; all Christian education offerings; church-wide stewardship efforts; and the church's institutional structure (ministry teams, committees, board of deacons, etc.).
We are committed to continuing the traditions that the children and congregation of Bentwood Trail enjoy, with a continued focus of learning and sharing the love of Jesus. Our commitment is to enrich the activities to provide deepening spiritual experiences for the church within, as well as in the community. We are frequently adding and trying new and different things to accomplish this goal by increasing youth’s participation in our Sunday services, our Wednesday Nightlife program and various outreach events.
BTPC offers a variety of programs, events and activities for middle school and high school students (grades 6-12) each week. Most middle and high school students cannot find time in their schedules to be a part of all that we are doing. That is not our expectation. It is our hope that every student will find some way to get involved and will find their place to get together, get deep into God’s word, and get active in growing their faith. Please check the Church Calendar of Events for the latest details.
If you have any questions about our programs, please contact us. We would love to hear from you! You may contact us by calling the church office at 972.248-3600.
Middle School/ Jr. High
Grades 6-8
The middle school years can be confusing, as almost everything about life is changing. If you are in 6th-8th grades, Bentwood Trail offers a variety of opportunities for you to find a safe place to fit in and grow in your faith throughout the year.
High School
Grades 9-12
In high school, you are presented with many choices about who you want to be and about how you will get there. At Bentwood Trail Presbyterian Church, we offer a variety of ways to best meet each busy high school student’s growing faith and growing need to be you.
Sunday School is at 9:00 a.m.
Youth (6th – 12th grade) - A Bible-centered, challenging class for youth that provides a strong faith foundation, through guided, open discussions. The youth explore Biblical and Contemporary Cultural Themes using a variety of resources rooted in the Reformed Tradition. The aim is to prepare youth for church membership and living in a changing and challenging world.
Worship is at 10:30 a.m.
Worship Participation: BTPC Youth help usher, serve as Lector, and assist in other capacities during Sunday Worship. Each year on Youth Sunday, they are responsible for the entire service, including the preaching of the Word.
Fall Worship Celebration: The Youth Worship Celebration takes place on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. It is an opportunity for the youth of Grace Presbytery to gather to praise God and give thanks. Worship and music leaders are invited from various Grace Presbytery congregations. Speakers are usually members of the senior class, and communion servers are youth from across the presbytery who have been elected by their church to serve as elders and deacons.
SHYC - Senior High Youth Connection: SHYC is the mid-winter youth retreat held at Austin College in Sherman, TX. for students in 9th through 12th grade in Grace Presbytery. Early in the year, the Senior High Youth of Grace Presbytery gather at Austin College in Sherman for SHYC to experience a high energy weekend of challenging theme presentations, thought-provoking and encouraging small groups, interest groups, music, worship, and of course, energizers. SHYC is planned by a special team of adults and youth from across the presbytery in partnership with the Austin College Activators.
Grace Presbytery Youthquake: Youthquake is a retreat weekend with other 6th - 8th grade youth from all over the presbytery at Camp Gilmont. During the weekend, youth experience worship, small groups, fellowship and fun together. Event leadership is provided by the Austin College Activators (Fall Events) and Grace Presbytery's High School "PULSE" leadership team (Spring Event).
Synod Youth Workshop: Each July all 9th through 12th graders have the opportunity to attend a synod-wide youth conference held at Tulsa University in Tulsa, OK. Opportunities for community building through small group experiences, recreation, service projects, energizers and the closing communion worship service provide a rich spiritual experience for those who attend.
Summer Mission Trip: Each summer 6th through 12th graders head out on a major mission trip. The group is responsible for planning and executing several different fundraisers to help cover the cost of the trips. These trips are life changing experiences for all those who attend.
Confirmation: Bentwood Trail Presbyterian Church confirms students in grades 7-12, who seek to know more about what it means to be a “disciple of Jesus Christ” and feel ready to commit to the church and witness that Jesus Christ is their Savior.
Confirmation is an Affirmation of Baptism. It is the discovery and development of a life-long relationship with Christ. It is making a public affirmation to the church of one’s own faith and taking responsibility for living as a member of the body of Christ. Faith is a journey. Confirmation does not end growth as Christians, but instead, continues and strengthens the Christian growth that has already begun. Please call the church office for information.